What Is Medicine Compounding??
Medicine compounding is a unique process that uses timeless traditions, along with the latest technologies, equipment, and medical knowledge to create customized medications based upon the needs of each individual patient. Compounding requires years of study and education and is only performed by specially trained pharmacists to ensure consistency and accuracy.
Compounding has been around for ages. Pharmacists used to use compounding on a regular basis to create medications prior to the growth of commercially available products. As technology advanced and pharmaceuticals grew, the need for compounding started to decline. However, over the past decade, compounding is growing in usage for several reasons.
Among those reasons for the resurgence of compounding, is the ability of doctors and healthcare providers to prescribe unique formulations and dosages for specific medications for patients to fit with their needs to treat their medical conditions. In addition, not all commercially produced drugs will meet the specific needs of each and every person, and they often have much better success by requesting their medicines be compounded into customized dosages to match exactly what their doctors prescribed.